

The Bird Dog Arts gallery cat.

One morning in September of 2021, Nick an Outlet security guard, said there was a black and white kitten up in a parking lot tree. After spying him on a low branch, Nick hoisted me up and the little guy came right to me probably relieved to be free from the threat of coyotes who roam the parking lots at night.

He was anything but afraid of us and I took him back to the gallery to figure out my next move. It was suggested that I give the little sinker a bath and as he was fidgeting under the faucet, I said “Hey, be still Turkey” and it stuck as he did in all our hearts. Turkey is a permanent fixture and mascot for us, and people come from far and wide to see and check on him. He often gets crowds watching him through the window as he lounges among the art. Turkey lives at the gallery and sleeps in one of our three large back rooms with two litter boxes or as I often refer to it, his one-bedroom two-bath studio. He has had his shots and is neutered.

Come in and say “hi” to this character who usually will greet you at the door first.
Follow him on IG #isawturkey

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