On Display

A Todd Jones

Although his art education has been nontraditional, A Todd has been painting for most of his life. For him, art has always been about emotion, color, design and relationships. He has often expressed the notion that colors have personalities, and that those personalities interact in specific and interesting ways – just like people. Creating art is an act of discovery. What affinity, contrast and interactions will each color have with the others?

As a professor of Human Communication, he has asserted throughout his academic and art careers that everything is about relationships – including art. 

Art is what happens when an idea can’t be adequately expressed via voice or the written word. It gives us an additional means of communication and transcends verbal and nonverbal messages.

Through study, trial and error,  A Todd has claimed a unique niche in the art world – a whimsical elegance. We invite you on this journey of discovery and hope you will find joy in the opportunity to enhance the environment of your home and work place with his art.


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