On Display

Norman Lurie

Norman Lurie is a retired physicist and former vice president of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC).  At SAIC he specialized in the development of electro-optical imaging systems for space.  His division was responsible for numerous ground-breaking innovative space systems. 

Norman has been a life-long artist. Originally a painter, he studied drawing and painting as an undergraduate at the University of Michigan with Richard Wilt. In 1976 he took up ceramics and continued to develop his skills until he “retired” in 1983 due to the demands of work and family, knowing that he would pick it up again when time permitted. That happened in 2010. He continues to challenge himself to develop new designs and glazes. His work has shown at the Studio Door Gallery in San Diego and in private collections in the U.S. and abroad. He has also participated in the San Diego Pottery Tour since 2018.

Website:  www.normanluriepottery.com
Instagram:  @normzpots


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