On Display

Mark Engelien

Mark Engelien studied drawing, watercolor, and ceramics as part of his professional training in architecture at Cal Poly, SLO. He created architecture projects in Bakersfield and California from 1971 to 2013. He served as director of the Bakersfield Museum of Art, from 2014 to 2016.

Mark’s early medium for recreational art was watercolor painting. Business pursuits and parenting limited the time he had to dedicate to this activity. Mark began to use ink sketches as a means to create memories of places he and his family visited in their travels. He would often share sketches with friends and family to help commemorate shared adventures. ln 2018, Mark began using both digital rendering and watercolor to augment his ink sketches.

When the Pandemic struck, Mark used this confined time to develop his use of watercolor as his primary medium. While architectural subjects and urban spaces embody many of his subjects, he has added other subject matter to his body of work. Portraits, wildlife, nature, are now themes for his art.


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