On Display

Marjorie Dow

I am a third generation Bakersfield resident and my roots here run deep. I come from a creative
family including my grandmother Eve Moore who was a portrait artist by trade here in town
back in the 1950’s. I am not a formally trained artist, but do invest in acrylic painting classes in
person and online. I enjoy learning new techniques and would love to learn other mediums

As a hairstylist of 38 years, my time is winding down in the industry. I began a daily painting
journey almost 5 years ago and now have my art sprinkled throughout Bakersfield, many other
cities and even states. By using social media as one of my main platforms, it has allowed me to
connect with other artists and art enthusiasts. I’m taking this adventure on day at a time and
take as many opportunities that come my way. The more connections I make, the more I feel
the gears shifting and am loving the art world tremendously.


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