On Display

Dixie Salazar

Dixie Salazar is a Central Valley artist who has been working in a number of mediums, including oils, watercolors, collage, assemblage, and hand-colored photography for the past forty years or more. Her work has been shown extensively in the Central Valley, San Francisco, Las Vegas, New York and Merced, at the Merced Multi-cultural Art Museum in 2005. This was a one person show of oils and painted collage, exploring her dual (Hispanic and Anglo) heritage. Other one person shows occured in 2006 at Arte Americas in Fresno and Educational Employees Credit Union in Sacramento. A large body of figurative work was also shown at the Patterson Building in Fresno in 2006 in a show titled “Escaping Gravity”. In 2013 Dixie had a one person show at Arte Americas in Fresno, INTERCONNECTIONS, painted collages that explored Mayan symbols and history relating them to contemporary issues. In the past five years, Dixie has entered a number of shows in California, Oregon and on the East Coast, winning a number of first place awards and several Best of Shows. Her latest show was a one person show at the Pacific Grove Monterrey Peninsula College Art Museum.

Dixie Salazar is also a poet with three books of poetry published and a novel, LIMBO, published in 1995.

Contact her at dsalazar@csufresno.edu Website: dixiesalazar.com


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