Daniel Sauerbrey
I’m a Los Angeles based artist and architect focusing on landscape and cityscape painting. As a 30 year veteran of the design and architecture world, I’ve had an exciting career creating places and buildings internationally that inspire those who visit them. Educated at the University of California Berkeley in Urban Design and Architecture. It’s through the creative design process over the years where my work has spanned a variety of mediums and my inspiration and passion for water color and oil painting began. Painting from life in Plein air is continually teaching me the true essense of a variety of subjects and allows me to slow down and capture a single moment of time in the life whether its a natural landscape setting or in the vibrant energy of the city.
To follow or contact Dan ;
Web: www.danielsauerbrey.com
Instagram: @danielsauerbrey
Facebook: Danielsauerbrey
Email: dansauerbrey@gmail.com