On Display

Arella Tomlinson

Arella Tomlinson is a Los Angeles-area artist known for figurative paintings that evoke mountain landscapes and incorporate inventive materials. She grew up where she still lives and has her studio, at the base of the San Gabriel mountains. Her second home was at the base of another range, the Rockies in Boulder Colorado, where she eventually earned her BFA in Painting. Her father, who she often flew across the mountains to visit, engineered systems that refined imagery of the Earth for maps. Her mother was a sculptor who encouraged Arella with art classes, unconventional art materials, and interesting discussions about dream psychology. Arella found comfort from family trials by discovering her talent and passion in art, as well as in runs looking up to the stability of those mountains, or down on them from airplanes. After a spiritual experience while in college, and through earning her Masters Degree in Art Therapy, Arella discovered the sources of inspiration that her work draws from thematically.

In her busy foothills art studio often visited by deer and her 2 young children, Arella is working on series of new abstract portraits.


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