2020 Hindsight
Artist’s Reception
This artist-rich show Opens March 26 and runs through May 1. Join us for the artist’s reception Saturday, April 2. Mingle with the artists and enjoy complimentary wine and snacks. Co-sponsored by the California Art Club (californiaartclub.org)
Featured artists:
Peter Adams*
Rebecca Arguello
Ned Axthelm
Michael Bartlett
Nikita Budkov
Maura Carta
David Casterson
Warren Chang*
Lynn Christopher*
Bets Cole
Nancy Seamons-Crookston
Michael Hill
Jeff Horn*
Chuck Kovacic*
Lawrence McAdams
Patricia McGeeney
Lisa McKne
Jim McVicker*
David Michaels
Lisa Mozzini-McDill
Michael Obermeyer*
Daniel Raminfard
Thomas Schaller
Alexey Steele*
Kun Wang
Nina Warner
Durre Waseem
Mason Williams
*Signature Artist